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Mission Statement

FHS Theatre Guild seeks to educate students and the community about the theatrical arts. The club promotes learning about theatre through productions, activities, trips, and workshops that enhance the educational goals of the theatrical discipline. We also strive to foster an appreciation of all forms of the performing arts and to provide opportunities for artistic growth within the organization itself as well as within the community. Membership is open to all students who share the club's goal of promoting awareness of theatre and performing arts on campus and in the community. Our aim is to create life-long friendships, personal confidence and, of course, fun!

                                 Theatre Guild Officers

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Bo Canfield

Bo is currently a Senior at Foxborough High School. He is currently a member of the both the National Honor's Society as well as the French National Honor's Society. Bo has participated in many theatrical productions throughout his life and is also a member of the International Thespian Society. Whether it be on the stage or helping with the production, Bo has a deep love for theater, and is very excited to be an officer for this year's theater guild.

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Paige Gilmartin

Paige is a Senior. She has been in over 30 productions both in and out of school. She is a 5-star member of the International Thespian Honors Society. Paige is also a member of the National Honors Society and the National French Honors Society. She participates in several clubs and has leadership positions in three of them. She loves being on the stage and can't wait to help the Theatre Guild as an E-Board member

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